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Wasps & Hornets


Wasps & hornets are feared because of their sting and swarming tendencies. Many wasps are quite aggressive, and their stings can be extremely painful.

The 4 common types of wasps here in Ontario are bald faced hornetspaper waspsyellow jackets and mud dauber wasps.They may have different nesting habits, but all can infest your home, garage, shed, yard, or  other outbuildings and pose a hazard to you, your family and pets.

Because of their painful sting, the risk of getting stung by multiple wasps and hornets, and the risk of allergic reaction, getting rid of wasps and hornets can be a dangerous undertaking. Seeking help from a licensed pest control professional, with experience getting rid of wasps and hornet is the best course of action.

Jay's Pest Control

We can resolve your wasp and hornet problems with safe & reliable treatments inside/outside your home.

Please contact us for details.