Mice and Rats
What are they?
The house mouse has large ears and is light brown to dark grey, with a lighter colour on its belly. It is often found in urban areas. The deer mouse is brown or grey with a white belly and feet. The white colour on the underside of its tail is an easy way to spot a deer mouse. It may invade buildings near fields and woodlands in the fall.
A rat is larger than a mouse and can weigh up to 0.5 kilograms (1 pound). The Norway rat and the roof rat look similar, but their habits are different. The Norway rat builds elaborate systems of tunnels and burrows at ground level. It prefers damp areas like crawl spaces or building perimeters. The roof rat is an agile climber and prefers to live in trees, vines, and other dense vegetation. It will infest attics, rafters, or roofs, and upper stories of buildings.
Knowing the type of pest you have can help you figure out the best approach to controlling them. (For example, a rat trap is too large to kill a mouse.)
Should I be concerned?
Mice and rats are carriers of disease, and can damage property. The deer mouse is the most common carrier of the deadly hantavirus.
How do I know if I have a problem?
Scampering and scratching sounds in the walls of your home at night, signs of gnawing or chewing, or damaged food packages can mean you have an infestation of mice or rats. Other signs include droppings and urine, burrows or holes in and around foundation walls, or tracks on dusty surfaces.
Mice and rats are prolific breeders. Tackle the problem of occasional invaders right away to avoid a severe infestation.
How can I get rid of rats and mice?
Prevention is key in controlling rats and mice problems in your home.
Rodent-proof your home
The first line of defence is to get rid of easy entry points. Mice can squeeze through cracks as small as a dime, while rats can enter through a quarter-sized hole. Even the small gaps created by worn thresholds under doors will allow mice access to your home.
- Use metal weather stripping under doors, and weather strip windows.
- Patch cracks in foundations.
- Stuff steel wool around pipes before caulking or plastering.
- Cover dryer vents, attic vents, and soffits with fine mesh metal screening.
Jay's Pest Control
We can resolve your rodent problems with safe & reliable treatments inside/outside your home.
Please contact us for details.