jays pest control featured roach image


What are they?

The German cockroach is one of the most common household cockroaches in the world. They are particularly fond of living in restaurants, food processing facilities, hotel rooms, and nursing homes. Although not very tolerant of the cold, this cockroach has been found in buildings as far north as Nunavut. Measuring about 1.3 cm to 1.6 cm (.51 to .63 inches) long, it is tan to light  rown, with two dark parallel streaks running from the head to the base of the wings. Roaches have wings, but are unable to fly.

Should I be concerned?

Cockroaches rarely cause structural damage. They can, however, contaminate food and spread disease by walking over, and excreting on, food or food preparation areas after having travelled through garbage and/or sewers. People with asthma may have a negative reaction to their droppings (feces) and body parts.

Cockroaches will live in any area where food, water, and shelter are available. They are attracted to buildings because of the warm, damp conditions offered by kitchens, bathrooms, basements, and plumbing areas. Their presence does not necessarily mean unclean conditions exist.

Roaches and their egg cases can hitch a ride into your home on various objects (including used furniture, food items, empty beer and soft drink bottles, and shipping cartons). Once inside a building, they travel quite easily. Because cockroaches are most active at night, they may go unnoticed for some time. Cockroaches are attracted to food sources that contain starches, sugars, and protein, but will eat almost anything when hungry.

How can I get rid of cockroaches?

Intensive cleaning measures and pesticides should be used jointly to control cockroaches. Pesticides alone will not be successful, since the living environment must be physically changed first.


Preventing access to food, water, and shelter, and keeping a clean home are important steps in preventing any pest infestation.

  • Clean up spills immediately. Do not leave pet water and food out 24 hours a day.
  • Keep food in tightly sealed plastic or glass containers, rather than in paper or cardboard that roaches can chew through and lay eggs in.
  • Regularly clean dark and/or damp areas close to a food source (for example beneath and behind appliances).
  • Store garbage in sealed plastic containers and dispose of it daily.
  • Do not allow dirty dishes to pile up, especially overnight. If you cannot wash them immediately, leave them to soak in detergent and water.
  • Vacuum often to help remove food particles and insect egg masses.
  • Wrap or insulate pipes that have excess condensation. Repair leaky faucets and pipes. Ventilate bathrooms and dehumidify moist areas to reduce sources of water.

Jay's Pest Control

We can resolve your cockroach problem with safe & reliable treatments.

Please contact us for details.